Welcome to Sasha's Custom Made Figures!
I have customised over 1000 one-of-a-kind figures and busts for characters from movies, TV shows, and graphic novels. I also customise Real People.
Movies - Aliens | Terminator | Hunger GamesMovies - X-Men | Twilight | Fifty ShadesMovies - Divergent | Harry Potter |
Sci-Fi TV - Stranger Things | Westworld | Battlestar Galactica | Stargate | Terminator: SCC |
Fantasy TV - Game of Thrones | Outlander | The Witcher | Warrior Nun | Dark Angel |
Fantasy TV - Supernatural | Charmed | True Blood | Vampire Diaries |
Joss Whedon's Work - Buffy the Vampire Slayer |
Books & Art |
Joss Whedon's Work - Angel | Firefly and Serenity | Dollhouse | Dr. Horrible |
Other TV - Killing Eve | Veronica Mars |
Miscellaneous TV - Miscellaneous Fantasy TV Shows | Miscellaneous Other TV Shows |
Miscellaneous Movies - Other Movies |